Wednesday, August 28, 2013

With Open Eyes

I watch, with open eyes. I see her. Him. Together. Apart. I see what makes them bad. What doesn't make them good. Why he can't let go and she won't commit. I wait. Wait. Wait. Until the day, she falls and he breaks. I wait until the day, where I can live what I see and stop watching. Because I will NOT let you hurt. I won't let you down. I will catch you when you fall and glue you back together when you break, Because I have watched, waited. I have waited&watched you crumble slowly in her arms that don't support all the love you carry. And I have learned what you need and want. I have been waiting for oh-so-long. Just, just, let me, let me love you.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


You're a dime. A ten. A stunner. You're a shiny coin always with me, somehow or another.
You told me forever, same as a circle, almost like a dime, nevermind, you're just a nine.
How much would it take for you to say I was great, screw nine, make that eight.
Surprised to hear you don't believe in Heaven, let's tell the whole world and change that to seven.
Ignored me for a whole day just to buy new kicks, they were ugly and now you're at six.
You told me I made you feel alive, now I'm dead to you, so how 'bout five.
I cant cry you rivers anymore, wash your hands of me, you're a four.
Now it's I and You, not We, forget four, for that, you can be a three.
There was us, Me and You, take away your mistake and you're left with two.
You hate me and now we're done, we can make you just a one.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I gave up the BEST thing I ever had, for what? Three weeks of high-fives with another guy? Damn, I have to be the STUPIDEST girl in the world. What we had was special, I had NEVER felt that way about ANYONE. With you things were, different. I actually felt pretty with you, whether I wore Gucci or sweatpants, you didn't care. To you, it didn't matter, to you I was gorgeous all the time. When you hugged me, NOTHING else mattered, when you looked at me with those crystal blue eyes I was speechless. I loved love you more than life itself, I would have taken a bullet for you, still would. I wish, that you would at LEAST, let me tell you how I feel. I mean, we were so "cute" together, right? We got past being cut off from each other almost completely. I never understood until now that one word could have so many different meanings. It's the word that brought us together, and tore us apart. "Yes" is the word that both perfected, and destructed my life. It's the word that made me cry tears of joy, and tears of horrible pain. A pain like no other, I've been to hell and back, but this, this pain I felt was, indescribably horrid. I don't think that I will EVER forgive myself for saying that one little word. Nightmares come true all the time, I just thought I'd had my share of that for ten lifetimes. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tweety and Slyvester

You picked me. You ditched me. You loved me. You hated me. Now we're cool?!? You say we are at least, and that makes me smile, but i still hate that you have a new girlfriend. She has never ever said a word to you, and yet you still like her?!? I love you with all my heart! You don't see it though. I saw you yesterday and I cried when you left. I said a few words to you and it gave me butterflies! You're nice, funny, smart, and gorgeous! I'll always love you no matter what! And I told you that! When you and that whore break up I'll get you back one way or another! Now all we have is an awkward friendship and a load of great memories, but all those memories do is hurt me. You were Sylvester and I was Tweety! Love happens in strange ways and this is our way! 10.17.11 - 1.9.12 :( 34 your number...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

So You Go

Well my question has been answered. It is still painful yet. My friend, I thought, hates me. I don't really care. Now instead I ask myself, why does it take hate to realize your real friends? It's horrible, I know.
I still love those that have gone and loathe those yet to come.  I no longer sit in agony of not knowing, but in agony of new found knowledge! Oh life you B**** why must you be ONCE UPON A NIGHTMARE?!?!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Will You Stay or Will You Go?

  Your trust in me has faded. I don't understand, I did nothing wrong. Your friend said I was a player from the start. That you were just a piece in my game. I hate that "friend." I've been true to you and here you go turning things around. You don't give me any of your attention anymore. I stay up late with one question in my head...will you stay or will you go? You haven't thought of asking me for the truth, so instead you sit unaware of the pain you're causing me. I can't hold the pain in anymore.  Indie Rock songs no longer substitute for your voice. I know you know that I don't lie. So, why don't you ask? I just hope that I'll know the answer to my haunting question soon. Will you stay or will you go? I won't beg. I will cry though. You said you loved me, but obviously not. No, I won't move on. I'll stay alone and when you come to your senses I'll be here. I won't take you back if you leave. That's your own problem then. Just know you're making it ONCE UPON A NIGHTMARE!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

You Cause the Best Kind of Pain

You send searing tears down my cheeks. A shiver down my spine. Your kiss brings hatred, your voice a shudder. Your words bring lies, undetected. Your face declares a two-fisted glare. The thought of you brings utter distress. You cut my wounds open again. You have done no good. You beg for my forgiveness, but that's just a different kind of torture. Your pleading gets you nothing and along comes the numb. You make me go numb in every limb, in my heart and in my head. A cloud of steaming, burning, aching fog. A throbbing brain. Blinded eyes with no darkness. No protection, but I don't mind. A rocking in my heart. The cord's been cut. There is no more connection, only pain.The pain is too great, but it's the best kind. The kind that stays long past its welcome. You brought it on and I loathe you for that. For now and always, it is ONCE UPON A NIGHTMARE!